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PS.圖片僅供參考,商品以實物為准!Builds Basic Concepts & Problem-Solving Skills forMath SuccessProduct InformationMighty Math Carnival Countdown teaches kindergarten 1st and 2nd gradestudents the concepts facts and thinking skills necessary to build mathconfidence and develop a strong lasting understanding of math! Entertainingactivities teach addition and subtraction place value sorting and classifyinglogic and problem solving equalities and inequalities basic geometry andearly multiplication and division. Learning and understanding math is fun withCarnival Countdown!Skills Learned Problem Solving and Logic Place Value (1’s 10’s 100’s) Addition and Subtraction Sorting and Classification Early Multiplication & DivisionActivities IncludeAdd Subtract Multiply and Divide at the Snap Clown CircusPile clowns in every direction and paint them different colors as you count andsolve arithmetic expressions.Explore Equality and Inequality with the Otter TwinsBalance laughs big and small at the Giggle Factory and learn the concepts ofgreater than less than and equal to.Sort Carnival Cars into Sets with Allison ElephantLearn about sorting classification and Venn Diagrams as you park bumper carswhere they belong.Play with Place Value at the Bubble Band's ShowMake bubbles go flying in ones tens and hundreds. Trade clusters of bubblesfor one of the next larger size.Windows Requirements Windows 95/98 Me 2000 XP Vista? 486/33 MHz or faster 8 MB RAM 5 MB free hard disk space 640x480 VGA monitor 256 colors Windows-compatible sound card & speakers 2X CD-ROM drive Macintosh Requirements Mac OS 7.1–9.2 OS X Classic mode 68040 33 MHz PowerPC? 25 MHz or faster 5 MB RAM (16 MB for PowerPC?) 2 MB free hard disk space 256 or more colors 2X CD-ROM drive
Mighty Math Carnival Countdown by Edmark
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最近我到百貨公司裡,看到[美國直購 ShopUSA] 數學 Mighty Math Carnival Countdown by Edmark $649商品,覺得還不錯
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最後,不免推薦[美國直購 ShopUSA] 數學 Mighty Math Carnival Countdown by Edmark $649一定要網路買,最划算喔~
關鍵字:[美國直購 ShopUSA] 數學 Mighty Math Carnival Countdown by Edmark $649哪裡買,[美國直購 ShopUSA] 數學 Mighty Math Carnival Countdown by Edmark $649哪裡?
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